sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

Salary and Payslip.

Image result for el salario y la nomina importancia


As every worker in this world and also in the world works, as is logical, we have the right to a payroll.

The importance of payslip is that it allows you to determine the net amount of wages and salaries that you must pay to your person on the day of payment and is the source document to record the cats associated with wages in each predetermined period. 
It also allows calculating the contributions according to the legal regulations of social security. 

In addition to calculating the obligations of the company with the State and social security institutions, by effects of the retentions that the same company makes its workers and their own contributions.

Having said that, I will explain what salary is, something basic that everyone should know:

It is a fixed compensation periodically paid to an employee for regular work or services. Weekly rest periods are included.

On the other hand, there is the salary. The salary is the center of the exchange relationships between people and organizations.

Image result for salario

  • The salary for people represents one of the complex transactions, since when a person accepts a position in a certain company, he commits himself to a daily routine, to a pattern of activities and to a wide range of interpersonal relationships within an organization, for which receives a salary.
  • However, the salary for organizations or companies, apart from being a cost element, is a method that motivates workers.

With this what I want to say is that the salary is not the same for the workers as well as for their organizations or the company.

Something of special importance that I will emphasize is the minimun wage interprofessional (SMI).

  • It is set by the Government every year and for all the professions. It is based on full-time working time.
    • SMI 2017: 707,70 €/month.

Currently, the interprofessional minimum wage has increased by 4%, which would place it at €735.90 (14 payments).

The minimum wage for 2018 would be set as follows, according to the Council of Ministers:
  • Minimum daily wage: € 24.53.
  • Minimum monthly salary: € 735.90.
  • Minimum annual salary: € 10,302.60 (14 payments).

Resultado de la imagen para el salario mínimo

Finally, I enclose a video explaining in detail all this information about salary and payslip.

A subject of special relevance, since in some cases when paying or giving us the payroll or the salary that corresponds to us, then, there are times when the companies in which we work deceive us.
And it would not be bad if we know something about this issue of payroll and salary.

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Salary and Payslip.

Introduction As every worker in this world and also in the world works, as is logical, we have the right to a payroll. The importan...